Many Christians know what to believe, but have you ever wondered how to think? Believers are pilgrims on a journey to another world, but this present world still belongs to God. In Thinking God’s Thoughts, J. Brandon Burks lays out the biblical and doctrinal foundations of a Christian worldview. With thorough but simple writing, Burks equips ordinary pilgrims to apply God’s Word to God’s world.
“One of the most difficult tasks for a Christian author is to write a clear, faithful and accessible work that properly focuses the mind and the heart for his readers. Brandon Burks has accomplished that task. Readers of this work will be encouraged to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5), that they might be renewed in knowledge, righteousness and holiness (Col 3:10; Eph 4:24). This is a book for everyone in the church, and a book for anyone in the church to give to their friends.”
Dr. K. Scott Oliphint, Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Pilgrims in a foreign land often provide insights into a place that its natural citizens cannot, or even will not, see. Christians who live as “strangers and exiles on the earth” (Heb 11:13) because of their union with Christ do this today whenever they interpret this fallen world under the light of God’s word. Thinking God’s Thoughts prepares followers of Christ to do just that by surveying an array of biblical truths and showing their significance for believing, thinking, and living well, to the glory of God. May readers see in these pages, and adopt for themselves, that rare combination of biblical content, clarity, compassion, and courage for living in a post-Christian world.”
Rev. Dr. Carlton Wynne, Assistant Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA)
“As He speaks in Scripture, the Lord Jesus Christ sets before us a holistic worldview. Expositions of the Christian view of God, man, and salvation; of how Christians ought to think, interpret Scripture, and embrace divine paradox; of how Christians ought to live, order their families, and worship could fill books without number. But to find all of these lifegiving implications of Christianity faithfully presented in one place so intimately intertwined… is what renders Rev. J. Brandon Burks’s Thinking God’s Thoughts a unique treasure. Its design is to help believers explore and indulge what Scripture calls the very ‘renewal’ of their minds.”
Rev. Dr. Brant Bosserman, Minister of Trinitas Presbyterian Church (PCA), Author of The Trinity and the Vindication of Christian Paradox
Table of Contents
Part I: Foundations
1. What the Bible Says About Itself
2. The Creature Is Not the Creator
3. Knowing Our Place
4. Scripture and the Cosmos
5. The Natural and the Spiritual
6. A Covenantal History
7. A Trinitarian Worldview
Part II: Categories and Distinctions
8. Keeping Balance and Seeking Cohesion
9. Think Concretely
10. Chopsticks
11. Causes and Responsibility
12. The Two Wills of God
13. Redemptive History and Intrusion
Part III: Practical Considerations
14. Meditating on Scripture
15. Reading Scripture
16. Ways of Studying God’s Word
17. The Context of Thinking
18. Pilgrim Thinking
Appendix: Fifty-Five Books for the Growing Christian
About the Author
J. Brandon Burks is a former Navy Diver with an MAR in Theological Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary. Brandon lives in Kentucky with his wife and three children.
Study Questions
Burks has provided study questions for each chapter to facilitate small group study or individual reflection.